Letting go of the Past!

Just some words I found very interesting today that I thought I would share with you. I literally saw this not long ago and thought it was very simple but every effective. It said "Don't look back you'll miss what's in front of you."
Looking back at my own life, it's crazy how I would always stay so focused on my past mistakes, failures, and regrets. And through the years I started to realize that it was holding me back from future things that life had in store for me. I started basing my future goals off of my past failures.
I also realized I wasn't taking any chances on my own dreams and goals because of my past failures. I wasn't putting myself out there because I was fearful that the past would repeat itself. I was allowing my doubts steer me from my greatness. And most of all I was allowing my past to determine my future...Which is NEVER okay.
Once I came to the realization that I didn't need to dwell on my past failures and mistakes...it enabled me to forget my past and leave it where it belonged....IN THE PAST.
So I encourage you all and myself still to leave your past behind and acknowledge the power within you and live out the purpose that life has for you! ~ Mad Love - Inspirational Transguy